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Manning & Napier Pro-blend Moderate Term Series Class I (MNMIX)

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15,10 +0,06    +0,40%
26/09 - Atraso dados. Moeda em USD ( Declaração de Riscos )
Tipo:  Fundo
Mercado:  E.U.A.
Emissor:  Manning & Napier
Classe de Ativo:  Açao
  • Classificação da Morningstar:
  • Ativos Totais: 88,79M
Manning & Napier Pro-Blend Mod Term I 15,10 +0,06 +0,40%

Manning & Napier Pro-blend Moderate Term Series Class I - Vista Geral

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Allocation--30% to 50% Equity

Ativos Totais




Data de Início


Informações de Contacto

Endereço 290 Woodcliff Drive
Fairport,NY 14450
United States
Telefone +1 585 3256880

Principais Executivos

Nome Título Desde Até
John Mitchell Portfolio Manager 2024 Agora
Jay Welles Head of Core Equities 2023 Agora
Biografia Jay Welles is the Head of Core Equities and a member of the firm's Core Team, which is the portfolio management team responsible for voting on stock recommendations for our bottom-up, global equity, U.S. equity, non-U.S. equity, and multi-asset class investment strategies. Jay is also a member of the firm's Executive Committee and Investment Policy Group, which is responsible for establishing appropriate asset allocation guidelines based on a variety of prevailing inputs, including both top-down macroeconomic data and bottom-up industry and security analysis. Jay has been with Manning & Napier since 2000. He began his career in research in 2001 working as a Research Assistant in our Global Strategies Group. In 2004, Jay moved to the Technology Group working as a Junior Analyst and most recently as Managing Director. He has more than 15 years of experience conducting bottom-up, company-specific research within the Technology sector. Jay earned his BS in Business Administration from Alfred University. He is also a CFA charterholder.
Marc Bushallow Managing Director, Fixed Income 2015 Agora
Biografia Marc Bushallow is the Managing Director of Fixed Income at Manning & Napier. Prior to becoming Managing Director, Marc was a Senior Analyst in the Fixed Income Group, concentrating on analysis of below investment-grade corporate bonds. He also spent some time at the firm as an Assistant performing quantitative and macroeconomic research. Today, Marc works on economic overviews and the top-down positioning of the firm's fixed income portfolios. He oversees the firm's high-yield, nontraditional, and core fixed income strategies, and is also a member of the firm's Investment Policy Group. Marc joined Manning & Napier in 1999 and left to pursue a master's degree in 2002, returning to the firm in 2008. Before returning to Manning & Napier, Marc spent four years at Barclays Capital, gaining sell-side experience requiring the evaluation and recommendation of high-yield credit, including both cash and derivative products. He acquired and applied detailed understanding of new issue syndication, trading, bond structure and covenants, etc. During that time, Marc and his team were two-time runners-up in the Institutional Investor All-Europe Fixed-Income Research Team poll for High-Yield Consumer Products. Marc earned his BA in Economics from the State University of New York at Geneseo and his MSc in Economics from the London School of Economics & Political Science. He is also a CFA charterholder.
Christian A. Andreach Co-Head of Equities and Managing Director, Consumer Group 2002 Agora
Biografia Christian Andreach is Co-Head of Equities; Managing Director, Consumer Group; Head of U.S. Equity Core Team; member of the firm's Investment Policy Group; and a member of the Global and Non-U.S. Equity Core Teams. As Managing Director, Christian is responsible for analytical coverage of stocks within the Consumer sector and oversight of analysts in that group. As Head of the U.S. Equity Core Team and member of the Global and Non-U.S. Equity Core Teams, Christian votes on stock recommendations made for our bottom-up, U.S. equity, global equity, non-U.S. equity, and multi-asset class portfolios.
Marc D. Tommasi Chief Investment Strategist 1993 2024
Biografia Marc Tommasi is the Chief Investment Strategist and member of the Core Team, which is the portfolio management team responsible for voting on stock recommendations for our bottom-up, global equity, U.S. equity, non-U.S. equity, and multi-asset class investment strategies. As Chief Investment Strategist, Marc oversees the coordination of the firm's overview among the various groups involved in top-down research. Specifically, he is responsible for the macro overviews of all countries we may invest in. Marc is also a member of the firm's Investment Policy Group.
Ebrahim Busheri Director of Investments 2012 2023
Biografia Ebrahim Busheri is the Director of Investments at Manning & Napier. Over his firm tenure, spanning from 1988 to 2001 and again from 2011 through present day, Ebrahim has held positions as Head of Emerging Growth Group; Head of Technology Group; Head of Consumer Group; and Director of Research. During his hiatus from Manning & Napier he worked as the Director of Investments at W.P. Stewart and as a Consultant for Heritage Capital. Ebrahim earned his BA in Accounting and Economics from Muskingum College and his MBA in Finance from the University of Rochester. He is a CFA charterholder.
Jeffrey A. Herrmann Senior Analyst 1993 2016
Biografia Jeffrey Herrmann is a Co-Head of Global Equities and a Co-Director of Research at Manning & Napier. As a Co-Director of Research, he has a broad responsibility for the management of the firm’s Research Department. Mr. Herrmann is also the Managing Director of the Themes and Overviews Group, the Managing Director of the Alternative Strategies Group, and a member of the Senior Research Group. He has over 25 years of experience at Manning & Napier.
Jay Robert Feuerstein CEO, Co-Chief Investment Officer 2014 2016
Biografia Jay Feuerstein is the founder and CEO of Trident Capital Management LLC and the fund manager for the Trident Futures Fund LP. Jay has over 30 years of experience in managed futures.Prior to founding TCM, Jay was the founder and CEO of Xenon Capital Management. Xenon was seeded by Goldman Sachs Asset Management in 2001 and grew to approximately $1 billion in AUM. Xenon became a part of Manning & Napier in 2014, where Jay was Head of Alternative Investments for the $54 billion asset management unit while managing a portfolio of $1 billion in managed futures. From 1987 to 2001, Jay worked at Drexel Burnham Lambert, Lehman Brothers and Bear Stearns.
Paul M. Chen Managing Director 2014 2015
Biografia Paul M. Chen, Managing Director of Research Process Group/Senior Analyst, Alternative Strategies Group Joined the Manning & Napier Advisors, LLC in 2000. Managing Director of Research Process Group; Senior Analyst, Alternatives Strategies Group; and member of Series’ Portfolio Management Team since 2014. Previous positions held in last five years: Co-Director of Research Process, 2012 – 2014; Information and Technical Strategies Analyst, 2009 – 2011.
Robert F. Pickels Senior Analyst 2013 2015
Biografia Robert Pickels is a member of the Senior Research Group and the Managing Director of the Focused Opportunities Group at Manning & Napier. In this capacity, he is responsible for analytic coverage of stocks across various industries, and both the construction and management of stock portfolios. Prior to this position, Mr. Pickels was a Senior Analyst for the Capital Goods Group and was responsible for analyzing investment opportunities within the Capital Goods and Equipment sectors. Prior to joining Manning & Napier in 2002, he worked at Bear Stearns & Co., Inc. Mr. Pickels earned his BA from Hamilton College and is also a CFA® charterholder. (Chartered Financial Analyst® is a trademark owned by CFA Institute.)
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