(Repete notícia para mais subscritores)
* Reoffer set at MS+352 for 3bn deal. Final books 8.5bn+ (700m JLM). ISIN PTOTEUOE0019. Pricing later today. (11:49am)
* Guidance now MS+352/+355 (wpir). Books 8.5bn+ (700m JLM) ahead of closing at 11:30am (11:13am)
* Guidance MS+355/+360 with IoIs 5.3bn+, including 700m JLM. (10:07am)
* IPTs MS+360 area. Due 14 Apr 2027, pay 18 Jan, Portugal law, MTS/BrokerTec/BGC-eSpeed/Lisbon listing, 0.01 denoms, MS is B&D and DM (8:49am)
The Republic of Portugal, Ba1/BB+/BB+ (all stable), has mandated BBVA (MC:BBVA), HSBC, JP Morgan, Morgan Stanley (NYSE:MS), Novo Banco and SG for a forthcoming 10-year Benchmark Portuguese Government Bond maturing April 2027. Expected in the near future, subject to market conditions.The issue will be RegS Cat1, 144a eligible and contain CACs. FCA/ICMA stabilisation. (Jan 10)