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Ab - Emerging Markets Debt Portfolio At Nzd H Inc (0P0000X6L5)

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8,710 +0,030    +0,35%
05/09 - Fechado. Moeda em NZD ( Declaração de Riscos )
Tipo:  Fundo
Mercado:  Luxemburgo
Emissor:  AllianceBernstein (Luxembourg) S.à r.l.
ISIN:  LU0805982898 
Classe de Ativo:  Obrigação
  • Classificação da Morningstar:
  • Ativos Totais: 482,94M
AB FCP I Emerging Markets Debt Portfolio AT NZD 8,710 +0,030 +0,35%

Ab - Emerging Markets Debt Portfolio At Nzd H Inc - Vista Geral

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Other Bond

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Estratégia de investimento

O Portfolio procura maximizar os retornos totais da valorização de preço e receita pelo investimento em obrigações de dívida soberana e títulos de renda fixa de empresas que não dos EUA de emissores em países emergentes e em desenvolvimento. O Portfolio investe em títulos denominados em dólares norte-americanos e em outras moedas. Uma parte significativa dos ativos dos portfolios pode ser mantida em títulos de baixa qualidade em qualquer momento. O gerente de investimento utiliza a pesquisa de suas equipes de renda fixa global, economia global e crédito global na administração do Portfolio.

Informações de Contacto

Endereço One International Finance Centre
Hong Kong, L-2453
Hong Kong
Telefone +352 46 39 36 151

Principais Executivos

Nome Título Desde Até
Elizabeth Bakarich - 2023 Agora
Biografia Elizabeth Bakarich, CFA Portfolio Manager—Emerging Market Corporate Debt Elizabeth Bakarich is a Vice President and Portfolio Manager, focusing on emerging-market corporate debt. She is a member of the Credit, Emerging Market Corporate Debt and Emerging Market Debt portfolio-management teams. Bakarich became part of the Emerging Markets team in 2014, working as an associate portfolio manager on corporate and local-currency debt portfolios. Prior to that, she worked in the firm’s London office on the Global and European Credit teams. Bakarich joined the firm in 2006 as an associate with the US Municipal Group and later became supervisor of that group. She holds a BS and MS in mathematics from the Stevens Institute of Technology. Bakarich is a CFA charterholder. Location: New York
Christian DiClementi Vice President 2015 Agora
Biografia Christian DiClementi is a Vice President and Portfolio Manager at AB, focusing on local-currency emerging-market debt portfolios. He is a member of the Emerging Market Debt and Global Fixed Income portfolio-management teams, and a member of the Emerging Market Debt Research Review team. Prior to joining the Emerging Market Debt portfolio-management team in early 2013, DiClementi served as a member of the Economic Research Group, focusing mainly on sovereign fundamental research for the Caribbean, Central American and Latin American regions. Previously, he worked as an analyst in the firm’s Quantitative Research Group, focusing primarily on global sovereign return and risk modeling. DiClementi joined AB in 2003 as an associate portfolio manager, responsible for New York–based municipal bond accounts. He holds a BS in mathematics (summa cum laude) from Fairfield University. Location: New York
Matthew S. Sheridan Senior Vice President 2006 2023
Biografia Matthew Sheridan is a Senior Vice President and Portfolio Manager at AB, primarily focusing on the Global Multi-Sector Strategy portfolios. He is a member of the Global Fixed Income, Global High Income and Emerging Market Debt portfolio-management teams. Additionally, Sheridan is a member of the Rates and Currency Research Review team and the Emerging Market Debt Research Review team. He joined AB in 1998 and previously worked in the firm’s Structured Asset Securities Group. Sheridan holds a BS in finance from Syracuse University. He is a CFA charterholder. Location: New York
Douglas J. Peebles Senior Vice President 2006 2023
Biografia Douglas J. Peebles is the Chief Investment Officer of AB Fixed Income and a Partner of the firm. As CIO, he is also Co-Chairman of the Interest Rates and Currencies Research Review team. Since joining AB in 1987, Peebles has held several leadership positions, including director of Global Fixed Income (1997–2004), co-head of AB Fixed Income (2004–2008) and Head of Fixed Income (2008–2016). He holds a BA from Muhlenberg College and an MBA from Rutgers University. Location: New York Mr. Peebles is expected to retire from the AllianceBernstein L.P. effective December 30, 2020.
Paul J. DeNoon Director 2006 2023
Biografia Paul DeNoon is Director of AB’s Global High Income and Emerging Market Debt strategies and a Partner of the firm. He leads the management of AB’s large global high-yield franchise, co-managing the firm’s award-winning High Income Fund, named “Best Fund over 10 Years” by Lipper from 2012 through 2015. DeNoon is also a Director, with Shamaila Khan, of AB’s Emerging Market Debt Portfolios, overseeing the management of emerging-market sovereign, quasi-sovereign and corporate debt strategies in both hard and local currencies. He is a member of the firm’s Emerging Market Multi-Asset Strategy Committee, Dynamic Asset Allocation Committee and the Municipal Impact Investment Policy Group. DeNoon is also the Partner overseeing the firm’s corporate responsibility, which includes responsible investment (environmental, social and corporate governance) and diversity and inclusion. He joined AB in 1992, and was instrumental in introducing some of the firm’s flagship emerging-market debt and global high-yield funds. Previously, DeNoon was a vice president in the Investment Portfolio Group at Manufacturers Hanover Trust and an economist in the bank’s Financial Markets Research Group, where he was primarily responsible for the analysis of monetary and fiscal policy. He began his career as a research analyst at Lehman Brothers. DeNoon holds a BA in economics from Union College and an MBA in finance from New York University. Location: New York
Michael L. Mon Portfolio Manager 2006 2023
Biografia Mr. Mon Joined AllianceBernstein in 1999 and is currently Vice President and Portfolio Manager.Michael L. Mon, Director of Asia ex Japan Fixed Income, is a member of the Global Fixed Income and Emerging-Market Debt portfolio management teams. Prior to joining the firm in 1999, Mon was a portfolio manager at Brundage, Story and Rose. Previously, he was employed for three years at OppenheimerFunds, Inc., where he managed sector portfolios. Mon was also an assistant vice president for five years at Mitchell Hutchins Asset Management. He holds a BA and an MBA from New York University. Mon hold CFA
Hardeep Dogra - 2020 2023
Biografia Hardeep Dogra joined AllianceBernstein in July 2019 as a Portfolio Manager for Emerging Market Debt. Previously he worked for the Global Emerging Market Fixed Income team at BNP Paribas Asset Management in London, where he was the portfolio manager responsible for EM Sovereign Hard Currency alpha generation. Prior to that, Dogra worked at Schroder Investment Management as a portfolio manager running absolute-return funds and an actively managed index currency fund. He has also held positions as an interest-rate strategist at Goldman Sachs and a credit analyst at Credit Suisse. Dogra holds a BSc (Hons) in mathematics from Imperial College London and an MSc in finance from Imperial College Business School. Location: London
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