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Jpmorgan Funds - Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt Fund A (mth) - Hkd (0P00014J1X)

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5,100 +0,020    +0,39%
05/09 - Fechado. Moeda em HKD ( Declaração de Riscos )
Tipo:  Fundo
Mercado:  Luxemburgo
Emissor:  JPMorgan Asset Management (Europe) S.à r.l.
ISIN:  LU1086083588 
Classe de Ativo:  Obrigação
  • Classificação da Morningstar:
  • Ativos Totais: 1,19B
JPMorgan Funds - Emerging Markets Local Currency D 5,100 +0,020 +0,39%

Jpmorgan Funds - Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt Fund A (mth) - Hkd - Vista Geral

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Global Emerging Markets Bond - Local Currency

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Data de Início


Estratégia de investimento

Este Sub-Fundo investe principalmente em valores mobiliários de dívida globais de moeda local de mercados emergentes (global local currency emerging market debt securities). Os mercados emergentes de obrigações implicam riscos maiores, devidos a maiores riscos políticos (incluindo, controlos de capital), de taxas de juro e de crédito associados ao investimento nessa classe de activos, mas poderão igualmente favorecer rendimentos e retorno para os investidores.

Informações de Contacto

Endereço European Bank & Business Centre 6, route de Trèves
Luxembourg, L-2633
Telefone +352 34 101

Principais Executivos

Nome Título Desde Até
Julien Allard - 2021 Agora
Didier Lambert Senior Portfolio Manager 2009 Agora
Biografia Didier Lambert, managing director, is a member of the Global Fixed Income, Currency & Commodities (GFICC) group. He is the lead portfolio manager for local market investments (rates and foreign exchange) within the Emerging Markets Debt team. Prior to joining the firm in 2009, Didier was at Fortis Investments for ten years, initially serving as a fixed income analyst contributing to security selection and later as a senior portfolio manager and deputy chief investment officer within Emerging Markets Fixed Income. During his time at Fortis, Didier specialized in local market investments, overseeing portfolio exposures and monitoring risk across the funds. Previously, Didier held quantitative roles at Overlay Asset Management (France) and ABF Capital Management (France). Didier holds a master's degree in econometrics from the University of Paris I, Pantheon Sorbonne for which he spent a year at the University of Warwick; a postgraduate degree in finance from the University of Paris I, Pantheon Sorbonne; and a postmaster degree in statistics and financial modeling from the Ecole Nationale de la Statistique et de l'Activite Economique (ENSAE). He is also a CFA charterholder.
Pierre-Yves Bareau Managing Director/Lead Portfolio Managers 2009 Agora
Biografia Pierre-Yves Bareau, Managing Director, a member of JPMIM’s Global Fixed Income, Currency & Commodities group (GFICC), Mr. Bareau supervises the portfolio management team and shares responsibility for the duration, yield curve, and sector allocation strategies for the Fund. Before joining JPMIM in October 2009, Mr. Bareau was the Chief Investment Officer for Fortis Investments for emerging markets debt for more than 10 years.
Diana Kiluta Amoa Executive Director 2016 2021
Biografia Ms. Amoa is responsible for emerging markets debt investments. A portfolio manager of the Fund since July 2020 and an employee of JPMIM since 2015, Ms. Amoa is a senior portfolio manager responsible for overall rates and FX strategies in the GFICC Emerging Markets Debt Team
Michal Wozniak Director 2009 2011
Biografia Michal Wozniak, CFA, Director, is a Portfolio Manager for Emerging Markets Debt Portfolio Management team for Blackrock Global Fixed Income Group. He has responsibility for managing local rates within dedicated local currency bond portfolios and multi-segment strategies, including, local rates, sovereign debt emerging market currencies. Prior to joining BlackRock in November 2013, Mr. Wozniak was working as a portfolio manager in Emerging Markets Debt teams in Lombard Odier Investment Managers and JPMorgan Asset Management, focusing on global local and hard currency fixed income strategies. Before that, he was responsible for Eastern European strategies in Fortis Investments in London. From 2002 until 2007 he was working in Credit Suisse Asset Management in Warsaw, initially as a portfolio manager and later heading the fixed income team. Michal started his professional career in 2000 as an equity analyst in ABN AMRO Asset Management. Michal earned a Master’s in finance and Banking from the Warsaw School of Economics in 2001.
Jeffrey Grills - 2008 2009
Biografia Jeff Grills, CFA, is head of US cross markets and emerging markets debt responsible for the oversight of the fixed income teams for emerging markets debt, US centralized trading and quantitative solutions. As head of the emerging markets debt team, he is responsible for portfolio management and the emerging markets debt research team. Prior to his current role, Jeff was a partner at Gramercy Funds Management and a senior portfolio manager for emerging markets strategies. He was also a senior member of the Credit Investment Committee responsible for overseeing investments in all credit-related strategies. Before that role, Jeff was a portfolio manager and co-head of the emerging market debt team at JPMorgan Asset Management. He was also a member of the JP Morgan fixed income macro team responsible for broad market relative value and asset allocation of core portfolios. He has been in the industry since 1994 and started with the firm in 2019. Jeff received his BS in mathematics and economics from Duke University. He is a CFA® charterholder.
Gunter Heiland Vice President 2008 2009
Biografia Gunter J. Heiland is a portfolio manager and co-head of the Emerging Markets Debt Team. Gunter, along with co-head Jeff Grills, oversees all investment functions for EMD within J.P. Morgan Asset Management globally and focuses on the trading and implementation across EMD strategies. An employee since 1997, he initially joined the firm as a municipal bond trader. In 1999, he moved to the Short Term desk, taking over daily trading responsibilities of the Treasury Fund, Tax Exempt Money Market Fund, Tax Aware Enhanced Income Fund and various other corporate accounts. Before joining the firm, he spent seven years at Salomon Brothers, starting in systems and then working on the Government desk. Gunter holds a B.S. in computer science and management from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.
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